Saturday, October 20, 2018


Mount Abu Public school oraganised a workshop on solar lamps in collaboratrion with IIT Bombay on 2nd October. The event began with welcoming of the guest trainers. They introduced themselves to the students. The trainers then introduced students to the concept of solar energy and its usefulness. An interactive theory session was conducted where the students interacted with the mentors and clarified their doubts. The session proceeded with a detailed explanation of the various components involved in the solar lamp kit.  Thereafter the students moved to their workstations and started assembling the solar lamps under the step by step guided instructions from the mentors. The mentors made sure that every student is successfully able to assemble the solar lamp. The hands on part was very interesting and engaging for the students which was reflected in their active participation. The event certainly proved to be a successful one and all the students  were filled with a sense of achievement and satisfaction on having made a solar lamp of their own. Even the scorching sun could not stop the students from learning as they went out to keep their panels to charge their battery. The event ended with happy faces delighted to see their self made lamps glowing. The school extends a heartful thanks to  SoULS and IIT Bombay for taking this initiative of raising sensitization towards solar energy and providing our students a platform to learn and get involved in assembling of their self made solar lamps. We look forward to have  more such learning opportunities in  future as well