Friday, February 22, 2019

Session with the Teachers

Teachers training session completed at mount abu public school where teachers from the science department were introduced to the packages of components available in ATL lab. 

They were further explained in detail about the basic electronic components such as 
-Voltage regulator
-Resistor and colour coding
-Seven segment display

Also teachers performed hands on breadboard activities 

1. Led glowing activity
2. Brightness control of led using potentiometer
3. Display different numbers on seven segment display.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Working of semiconductors and transistors, RGB-LED and segments

Students of class 9 displayed different numbers on seven segment display and learned its working and applications. Students of class 6 learnt the working of RGB led and how it can generate multiple colours. Students of class 7 performed two finger touch lamp activity and came across the working of transistors and semiconductors

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Preparation for CBSE National Level Competition and Inspire Awards

Students of class 6 learnt about the working principle of semiconductor devices and  working of transistors and made a two finger touch lamp. Students of class 5 learnt about working of voltage regulator and how to make an led glowing circuit. Students of class 7 today learnt about potentiometer and how it can be used to control brightness of LED. Also continuous work is going on two projects to be displayed at CBSE National Level Competition and INSPIRE awards.