Monday, July 29, 2019

Summer Tinkerfest 2019

Summer Tinkerfest 2019 has been successfully conducted with @Abhishek Sir.
 The session was very productive and interactive. All the students enjoyed learning about Arduino, interfacing sensors and actuators such as:
 1. LED
 3. IR Sensor
 4. Temperature Sensor
 5. Piezo Buzzer
 And following projects were made:
 1. LED Pattern
 2. Traffic Light Using RGB
 3.  Intruder Alarm
 4. Temperature Display
There was also a motivating discussion on ATL and User Innovation.
Minoo Ma'am and Parul Ma'am helped a lot in making the event successful. Volunteers were enthusiastic and assisted the participants at their best. 

Class VIII students participated in the Physics Model Presentation event.

Two students from class VIII started to learn about MIT AppInventor2.

Students from class Vlll continued working on the paper circuit.

Class V D was introduced to basic electronic components.

Classes IX-A  did hands-on RGB LED.

Class X E performed Controlling Motor with IR Sensor.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Class V D was introduced to basic electronic components.

Classes VII D and VIIl B did hands on RGB LED.

Class X C performed Controlling Motor with IR Sensor.

Class VIII D did not arrive due to Integrated Project.

Class VIII students, Jatin and Shivam, completed presentation for Mobile Hydraulic Lift.

Students from class IX completed Maze Solver for tomorrow's event.

Students  from class Vlll made a new creative paper circuit.

Club (class XI)  did hands on RGB LED.

Classes IX B, VI A and VII C did hands on RGB LED.

Class V B performed LED Glowing activity.

Class XI B performed Controlling Motor with IR Sensor.

Class VIII A did not arrive due to a workshop.

Class VIII students, Jatin and Shivam, continued practice on Mobile Hydraulic Lift.

Club (classes IX-X) were introduced to interfacing sensors with Arduino, IR Sensor and Potentiometer with hands on.

Class X E students learned to control motor with IR Sensor with hands on.  

Class IX A and VI B students revised breadboard concepts, learned the about RGB and also had a demostration of RGB Circuit. 

Class VIII students, started working on Mobile Hydraulic Lift.

Students from class XI are working on device to calculate height of object using Ultrasonic sensor, on the principle of Pythagoras Theorem. 

Students also made another beautiful art using some electronics from e-waste.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Various Activities

Class VIII students, Jatin and Shivam, discussed project for an upcoming event,  based on a scientific principle.

Class IX students(Shubham and Nikhil) are working on Maze Runner/Solver for Crosswords. 

Shubham and Nikhil also also made a beatiful art, a Humanoid, using some electronics from e-waste.

Students from classes V C and VI D  learned about Robotics and discussed its applications.

Pavani Gupta and Aryan Jindal from class VIII are working on paper circuit design

Friday, July 12, 2019

Various activities

Students from classes V D  learned about STEM and performed basic electronic components like breadboard.
Classes VII D, VIII B, VIII D and X C revised the breadboard concepts they have learned earlier and performed revision activity.

Class VIII students(Shivam and Jatin) have finished their project for the event on 13th at Himalya Public School.

Class IX students(Shubham and Nikhil) are working on Maze Runner/Solver for Crosswords.

Shubham Gupta and Suraj Srivastava from class XI tested and restored thier project on transportation for a new competition. They are also working on implementing some new methods for better results and efficiency. (Physics Modelling, DPS)

Class X students Aryan Srivastava, Sarthak Bansal and Satviki Chawla are preparing a project for another event, an interactive puzzle.

Pavani Gupta and Aryan Jindal from class VIII discussed paper circuit design possibilties.

Breadboard concepts with hands on LED

Students from classes V B and VI A learned about STEM and performed LED glowing activity on breadboard.
Classes IX B, VII C, VIII A, and XI B revised the breadboard concepts they have learned earlier and performed revision activity.

A club for class XI was started today and students were introduced to basic concepts of electronics.

Two students from class VIII (Shivam and Jatin) have prepared a project to participate in an upcoming competition on 13th July, being organised at the Himalaya Public School.

Another group of students(Shubham and Nikhil) has started preparing for Maze Follower Competition (Crosswords).

Some other students also discussed projects for another upcoming event.